
Outside Run

Today Bald and I did our first run together outside. It was nice having him with me. Even though we didn't talk, he listened to music and I didn't, it went by pretty fast. It was warmer than usual, but I know that my body will acclimate to the heat....eventually! I'm just preparing for those hot Chico summer mornings and/or evenings.

I also ran in my Nike Free shoes. They didn't bother me at all. I think I might just have to convert to them. We'll see if they give me any trouble the next couple of runs I take them out.

I am just so thankful that I was able to do this program and "inspire" Bald to get out and run with me!!

Today was a GREAT day. And I would rate it a 9 out of 10 for it being the 3rd day in a row of running!! I wasn't sore at all and went at nice steady, kinda slow, pace. I never thought that I would be running 3 days in a row and actually LIKING it!!

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